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Are you a sorority alumna wanting to learn more about the Montgomery County Panhellenic Alumnae Association?
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Wish to donate to our scholarship fund?

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Your generosity supports the MCPAA Senior Scholarship Fund.

The Montgomery County Panhellenic Alumnae Association sponsors scholarships for rising collegiate seniors. These scholarships are to be used toward tuition, books, and school expenses. MCPAA has awarded more than $15,000 to 36 women.

Each scholarship is awarded to a current university junior sorority woman with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. All eligible applicants must have registered for recruitment with the Montgomery County Alumnae Panhellenic Association.

Each scholarship winner will be a woman who exhibits leadership abilities in her sorority, campus activities, and community service. She must be a full-time student enrolled in an accredited four-year college or university and an active member in good standing in her sorority’s chapter to receive this award.

Would you like to make a donation to our Scholarship Fund?