
MCPAA is delighted to guide you through the exciting journey of joining a sorority. Explore the benefits of sorority life, learn about upcoming recruitment events, and get tips on how to make the most out of your Panhellenic experience. 

Recruitment checklist

Our recruitment checklist is designed to help you organize and navigate what could otherwise be an overwhelming experience of joining a sorority. Follow our guide to ensure a smooth and successful recruitment.

Registration instructions

click to open the Recruitment Form

Montgomery County Panhellenic Registration Due Dates

  • April 1 - Preferred

  • July 1 - Late decision deadline


Go to the Panhellenic website for your school, find the sororities on YOUR college's campus and start looking for alumnae from those sororities to help you with Recruitment Information Forms (called RIFs).  Each campus has different sororities and it is our recommendation that you find what is required or recommended for each. Once you find someone connected to a Panhellenic organization, she can usually help connect you to others and also answer questions on what might be required for that organization. Some sororities allow for recommendations from active sorority members or even from non-affiliated sources like a coach or teacher!

Don't forget to register with the collegiate Panhellenic at the university you will be attending! 

Helpful videos

If you were unable to attend our Information Night, be sure to check out our helpful videos.

Ready to get started?

Fill out the registration form below to begin your recruitment journey with MCPAA. If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact us.